Arthur F Curtis Banner





Click here to view The Evening Record article dated Saturday January 6, 1906 on the death of Nelson Haas which states that Arthur F. Curtis was one of the students Nelson Haas had tutored to pass the entrance examination to West Point. The article states that Arthur F. Curtis was a Captain.

I researched Arthur F. Curtis and found in a book "Biographical Register of the Officers of U.S. Volume 4", by George Washington Cullum, that states Arthur F. Curtis was born in New York, but was living in New Jersey, and he was a Honor Graduate of Artillery school on September 1, 1890, which would fit the time line of Nelson Haas tenor as educator in Hackensack. The material goes on to tell the various forts, such as Fort Hamilton New York and Fort McHenry Maryland, where he was moved to all state side before during and after the Spanish-American War up to 1900. This does appear to be Arthur F. Curtis in the article, although the first article reporting Nelson Haas’s death it says that he was in the Navy, so I cannot know absolutely that this is the same man, but it most likely was a mistake of him in the Navy given the surprise of Nelson Haas’s death and the lack of time to research all statements as happens often when reporting the news. I did research his name under Navy and nothing related came up. 

Written by:
Bob Meli
September 3, 2014


Background image of Fort McHenry obtained from: